Gms Chhaprikala- Chhapri Kala School
Gms Chhaprikala, is situated in the village of Chhapri Kala, Sehore Block, Sehore District, Madhya Pradesh State, India.
Gms Chhaprikala, Chhapri Kala school information is as below:.
School name: Gms Chhaprikala, Sehore
Village : Chhapri Kala
Block : Sehore
Cluster : Girls Hss Sehore
District : Sehore
State : Madhya Pradesh
Pincode Number : 466001
Management of Gms Chhaprikala
School Code : 23330510602
Head Master : N/a
Management : Dept. of Education
Admissions in Gms Chhaprikala
Category : Upper P. only
Type : Co-Educational
Lowest Class : 6
Highest Class : 8
Medium Of Instruction : Hindi
Note: All the above Gms Chhaprikala information were collected in the year 2011 and you may please approach the Gms Chhaprikala for current status.
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