Tunggam Khunou Lps- Tunggam Village School
Tunggam Khunou Lps, is situated in the village of Tunggam Village, Paomata Block, Senapati District, Manipur State, India.
Tunggam Khunou Lps, Tunggam Village school information is as below:.
School name: Tunggam Khunou Lps, Paomata
Village : Tunggam Village
Block : Paomata
Cluster : Tungjoy Jr. High School
District : Senapati
State : Manipur
Pincode Number : 795104
Management of Tunggam Khunou Lps
School Code : 14010408303
Head Master : N/A
Management : Dept. of Education
Admissions in Tunggam Khunou Lps
Category : Primary only
Type : Co-Educational
Lowest Class : 1
Highest Class : 2
Medium Of Instruction : English
Note: All the above Tunggam Khunou Lps information were collected in the year 2011 and you may please approach the Tunggam Khunou Lps for current status.
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